Faster than a speeding bullet
we’re back to the countdown with the best theatrical offerings that DC Comics
have ever produced!

People who have fond memories
of Superman II should rewatch it to realize that it doesn’t hold up. Richard Lester’s ham-handed comedic directing
(with fired director Richard Donner’s material) doesn’t work for anyone over 10
years old. The special effects are
weak…seriously who can’t tell that those are flying dolls traveling through a
miniaturized set? And the climactic
fight(s)? Well, one of them involves
Superman introducing a bunch of new hokey powers: cartoon throwaway shield,
zero-gravity hand ray, and the power of illusion! Then of course the earlier fight in the city
of Metropolis
which involves the most over extended sequence wear the citizens of Metropolis,
all of whom are so annoying that I was routing for their subjugation to Zod,
are being blown around town and laughing and having a meery good time. What a horrendous movie. And for all its hype, the Richard Donner
cut…suffers as well for other reasons.
Of course, both versions of Superman II don’t have Richard Pryor or
Nuclear Man…so in that regard they are successes.
However, two years before all
the horrible Superman sequels, 1978 brought us an incredible superhero movie
that truly made audiences believe that a man could fly. And wow did flying look fun! The casting of every character in Superman:
The Movie is perfect! I’ll argue that no
other superhero movie has succeeded so solidly in both casting, costumes, and
general sets appearance. Metropolis is New York City ! Luthor is a fiendish villain with a great
plan! And Superman is…SUPER!
Considering how much material
Richard Donner needs to cover, the pacing of this movie is fantastic. The first hour gives us the destruction of
Krypton, Jor-El’s reasoning for sending his only son to Earth, the villains of
the Phantom Zone, young Kal-El’s landing on Earth, life in Smallville, the
death of Pa Kent and his message (thank you Glenn Ford for 10 minutes of a
movie that still resonate with such power decades later), the construction of
the Fortress of Solitude, and the introduction of Metropolis! Wow!
Amazing! I know people are
holding out hope for Zac Snyder’s Man of Steel…but man, that’s a lot of work to
live up to.
Superman: The Movie also delivers a 10-minute sequence that still rocks today. Superman’s first night in Metropolis: saving Lois Lane, catching a helicopter, thwarting a jewel thief, stopping a bank robbery, saving a cat, and rescuing a crashing Air Force One. Great cinematic stuff! If I’m ever channel surfing and this segment is even close to airing, I always stop to watch and am never disappointed.
Superman: The Movie also delivers a 10-minute sequence that still rocks today. Superman’s first night in Metropolis: saving Lois Lane, catching a helicopter, thwarting a jewel thief, stopping a bank robbery, saving a cat, and rescuing a crashing Air Force One. Great cinematic stuff! If I’m ever channel surfing and this segment is even close to airing, I always stop to watch and am never disappointed.
Watch the movie HEAT with Al
Pacino and Robert DeNiro, and then watch The Dark Knight! Both are the top films of the cop-criminal
and hero-villain genres…and I’d argue that the one with the masks and capes is
a better effort and I love HEAT.
Christopher Nolan knocks an
utter grand slam with his second dive into the world of Batman. The studios were so confident with Nolan that
the movie didn’t even need to have Batman’s name in the title! There are so many levels taking place in The
Dark Knight that it’s easy to lose sight of the social and political commentary
and just focus on Batman chasing the Joker and Two-Face. But go back and rewatch the movie and you’ll
see it’s filled to the brim with topics for discussion.
Anyone who hopes to write or
a direct a superhero movie needs to watch and learn how Nolan manages to
succeed in handling two supervillains (and never loses site of his hero). So many other films have tried and failed
when it comes to the use of multiple enemies for the hero, The Dark Knight is
the primer for great implementation. First,
the Joker is shown simply as a force of nature.
He’s the shark from Jaws. You
don’t know why he arrived and why he does the things he does. You don’t need that information. All you need to know is when he is on screen
really bad things are going to happen – and you’ll be captivated the entire
time. His persona is summed up perfectly
as Alfred explains to Bruce Wayne, “Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money.
They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want
to watch the world burn." Then there’s Harvey Dent’s fall from
grace and emergence as Two-Face. Powerful stuff with incredibly gross CGI that
is too realistic for its own good. With
these two villains, you fear for Batman and every single person in Gotham City .
The success of The Dark
Knight is that it stays down to Earth on such a grim and gritty level that
while watching a movie where people wear costumes, you can actually find
yourself thinking, “If superheroes exist, this is what it would be like.” At times it’s almost too dark. Often people I talk to say the reason they
don’t like The Dark Knight is because they want their Batman more family
friendly and cartoony. This is why I
love The Dark Knight. Because we’ve
already had umpteen versions of Batman as a comic book character from comics,
to cartoons, to the 1960’s TV show, to the Burton movies. It’s easy to lose site that Chris Nolan is
the first one to give us a truly grim visage of what life behind a mask can do
to both a person and the city is strives to protect. It’s not pretty but it’s damn original and
There’s far too much for me
to cover as to why I love The Dark Knight.
For my tastes, it’s the single best example of Batman in any genre ever! Batman sums it up nicely with, “Sometimes the
truth isn't good enough, sometimes people deserve more. Sometimes people
deserve to have their faith rewarded...”
The Dark Knight
is one helluva reward!
Had my Top 10 list been written three years ago, Superman: The Movie and The Dark Knight would have been ranked #3 and #2 respectively. Just shows that in the last few years a couple of movies have come out that really shined a powerful light on the superhero genre from comics to movies.
The NEW Movies #3 and #2…are
just around the corner…
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