The years from 1980-1987 were the pinnacle of my comic book collecting. I'd first been exposed to comics through the 1960's era Spider-Man cartoons (heavily replayed on Channel 20 as a child) and then my mother would buy me comic books like Marvel Team-Up, The Invaders, and The Avengers as I grew. I was flipping through comic books before I could even read. The colors, costumes, and unique heroes and superpowers thoroughly captivated my imagination.
Through middle school and high school I would discuss with other friends the various "goings on" in the titles we read and the large scope of both the Marvel and DC Universes. From 1980-1987 the only real superhero movies of note that genre enthusiasts could appreciate were Superman the Movie (on VHS) and the release of Superman II (in the theatres). Any other offerings didn't solidly connect with the world of comic books. Sure, Superman II came close with a battle between Kryptonians...but let's face it...Richard Lester's ham-handed humor ruined that movie - "Huh, Superman didn't even do nothing!", guy on roller-skates, guy talking on phone during Metropolis fall, ad infinitum. Two years beyond my key bubble in collecting Tim Burton's Batman would be released (1989) and change things forever between comic books and the cinema.
During those eight years I remember debating if and when an Avengers movie would ever be made? Frankly, it seemed more likely that I would stumble upon Thor's Uru Hammer than actually see the comic book versions of Marvel's top tier heroes on the big screen. And yet, in 2012 that is exactly what will happen. As a fan three books really have always cried out to be turned into movies.
1. X-Men...I've never been a fan (although First Class was a solid apology for the first three lackluster efforts)
2. Watchmen...the greatets superhero work ever created and a perfect movie! I know it has haters, but for me, this is always going to be #1 from comic-to-film
3. Avengers...dare to dream...
So basically 25 years after the peak of my collecting life, what may be viewed as the ultimate comic book movie is on the horizon. I'm excited! Most likely I'll be sharing some of my favorite Avengers moments in coming blogs to build up to this event. But until then go read Ultimates Vol 1 and 2, watch the preview on my blog, and be prepared for an explosion of coolness.
And then I'll see you at the theatres on May 4th! AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!!!!
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